
Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Vacation Fun

Couldn't you just see a little princess wearing a wreath of daisies in her hair with this dress? I used a print from a couple years ago that I purchased at Craft Warehouse. Well, the border print anyway. The other print was from Hancock Fabrics.

You can see some little ridges. That is where I had to rip out stitches from smocking. I had seen this dress in one of the A-Z books and tried to go off a small picture for the smocking, but right after our kitty passed away my good friend, Marie J, got the issue this dress is from. Since the smocking was not quite right, ripping out was the order of the day. I always use a steel crochet hook when taking out unwanted stitches. And wrong stitches are always unwanted. The stitches come out much easier than w/o using one.

Anyway, the name of the dress is "Spirit of Adventure" issue 34. Isn't the keyhole opening cute? I did change a little bit on the dress from the original. No angel wings. Although I do like angel wings, I decided it just didn't go on this dress. I do wish I had piped the neck and the armholes. But it still turned out cute and I don't think the princess I give this to will even care. Well, I've many more items to stitch up. I'm thinking of finishing up some other dresses. I have loads of dress fronts stitched up and need to finish up the whole dress. Well, off I go to sew.
Happy smocking everyone!

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