
Monday, January 2, 2012

First Projects of 2012

 It seems I've been racing through making garments the last month. Of course, it helps when you've already have the smocking part of it done. The smocking is my favorite part of making a new piece to add to a "princess" wardrobe. Don't get me wrong, I do love planning out a new project and getting that great sense of accomplishment when finished. Anyway, here's what I've finished up today (sewing the buttons on).

"Wild At Heart" issue 90 AS&E. The floral print is from Hancock Fabrics (and it was so pretty, it's now all gone from my store). My daughter loved the print and asked if she could have what was left. Alas, I only had about 1/4 yard left, but she was very happy for that little piece. This dress is a size 4. I'm thinking of putting in a growth tuck so that a little girl that's 3 years old can wear it.

If you have the issue this dress came from you will notice I did not stitch in the picture smocked hearts. I think it would have taken away from the dress. I had stitched in one heart and then decided it didn't look good, so the ripping of stitching commences. 

 As you can see I put a belt on the back instead of a bow. Much more comfortable on a little girl's back when sitting at church. And you can get away with purchasing less fabric.

 Next item is a bishop blouse using a basic bishop pattern (I used AS&E) in a size 5. The finished length is 20in. This includes a 2in. hem.

 The smock plate is "Hannah's Ladybugs" by Cross-eyed Cricket Smocking. I used beads for the spots instead of french knots. And you will be proud of me, the only thing I had to purchase was buttons and those I got at half off. So the whole thing only cost me about 56 cents. Everything else is from the stash.

Here's another stash buster garment. I used a smock plate from AS&E, but I can't remember what issue it's from. Wish I had a better memory. 

I try very hard to not have my bishop "turtle-necking". It really bugs me when I see someone is selling a bishop garment that has a turtleneck. Thank goodness I've only ever seen great bishop tops and dresses in AS&E! They are the absolute best!

In the latest issue, #97, I finished the smocking to "Marigold". And I've been hard at work on an ensemble for a model garment to hang up at work. (For all you new to my blog, I work at Hancock Fabrics.) We've got some new Top Drawer prints and I'm using a new McCall's pattern just out last week. I hope to have it done by the end of the week. I was able to sneak some smocking into the top of the skirt portion of the blouse. It's looking very cute!

The next thing I've got to do is pleat up a piece for a challenge on Facebook. Adorable Heirlooms is having a smocking challenge this month. I have to say if you are not involved with Laurie's challenges on FB, go like her page and get involved with next month's challenge. I've had great fun being involved! It really stretches the creative side of my brain. Anyway, I've got to go started on that. So with that said, happy smocking everyone!

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