
Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Baby Gown for the Fair

"Eternal Treasure" AS&E issue 57

I used white poly cotton batiste from Hancock Fabrics, DMC floss and beads from Craft Warehouse. Lace from Martha Pullen company.

Sorry I have not done my final pressing yet. That I will do just before taking it down to the Fair. Since my machine doesn't do double needle pintucks very nice, I have forgone the pinktucking and done a bunch of feather stitching, which  I don't have a problem with at all.

I don't have the button holes done yet, I'll probably finish those on my vacation in a couple of weeks. And I think I'm going to do some embroidered rosebuds in the ribbon beading to keep the ribbon from shifting around, that part is driving me batty! Can't have that, I need my sanity. I need to do a couple more things for the Fair. I'm thinking of an ensemble grouping. Kind of leaning towards a jacket/bonnet/dress/bloomer combo or maybe a dress/pinafore/bloomer combo. Maybe I will enter something in the embroidery category since they have chose to have less categories, but bigger payouts. We'll just have to see what my brain comes up with are what catches my fancy. Until next time, happy stitching eveyone!


  1. I like the featherstitching on the gown ,Jan. I am making a Christening gown at the moment...and...dreading the buttonholes tomorrow. I have 2 really good machines and I am so careful...but...they often are not as good as they should be !!! Happy stitching Jan.

  2. You are super talented! This is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
