
Saturday, July 30, 2011

1 year Blog-a-versary!

I thought we could celebrate all celebrate with some cake! I found some pics of pretty cakes and wanted to share. These cakes are too pretty to eat. I really admire those who can decorate these beautiful cakes seen here. I can bake, but I can't do what these people have done. I'm a different kind of artist. If it deals with fabric or floss or lace, I'm your girl.

And here's more cake. Hope I "made" enough. Isn't this just too sweet?!

And even more cake! I almost couln't believe this was a cake and I'm totally amazed at the realism of it all. This cake really blows my mind.

I went back and counted up all the projects I've done over the last year and there are 25 and maybe 5 involved no smocking whatsoever. That's more than 2 a month and I work full-time. I've also taught 3 smocking classes and done smock-a-longs. I'd have to say I've accomplished quite a bit. I think I will give myself a pat on the back. Thanks for everyone's comments over the past year. I so appreciate your interest in what I'm up to. So here's to another fun filled year of smocking! Happy stitching everyone.


  1. I love your smocking projects!!!
    Those cakes are amazing!!! I'll bet if you tried you could make some just as great!

  2. Thanks, Julia. But I think I'll leave those yummy cakes to those who do them best. Cuz, it's definitely not my forte.
