
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Princess Bling Galore!

Victoria's dress is done. And let me tell you, it's alot of dress. With lining, dress fabric, and 2 layers of tulle over the top. Kind of makes me tired thinking about it. I don't normally do a dress with this many layers, but when this little girl puts this dress; it will all be worth it. I'll post a pic when I get one. Bonnie is going to bring her granddaughter into the store tomorrow evening and we will do fashion show. That will fun! Bonnie had told me yesterday when she saw the dress mostly finished that Victoria will want to wear it on Friday for picture day (picture a happy me) instead of the sundress she had made her a couple of weeks ago. I can't help puffing up with pride. I make all my dresses with loads of love.
I did have a pic of the hem, but the pic turned out really fuzzy, so I dumped it. Same with a close up of the smocking. I need to get a manequin to put my dresses on for pictures. Hmmm . . . maybe that's some good to go look for.
Today, I have been at Hancock Fabrics for 9 years. Doesn't seem that long to me. I guess the old saying of time flies when you're having fun is true. Most days I really like my job. In the spring I'm gonig to teach smocking, I'm thinking of a one evening class of smocked socks, I love those. Then probably a bonnet, after that a dress, can't decide between a bodice dress or a bishop.  I started with a bodice dress, because pleating a bishop intimidated me. Didn't pleat anything bishop until 1 1/2 years ago, then I did an angel top for a 4 yr old. Got over my trepidation after it turned out so nice.
Okay, now I'm gonig to work on my surf monkey romper. Can't say how soon I will get that one done. Hopefully it won't take too long. I'm anxious to get started on some xmas dresses. Especially one with snowflakes on it. I love changes of fabric prints as the seasons change, but I don't love the extremes in temperature. I'd be perfectly happy with it staying around 65 to 70 all year round, but hold the humidity please.
Ok, I'm off and sewing again. Maybe I will take time and pleast up a dress front with the snowflakes on it. Can't go too long without smocking somthing you know. Happy stitching girls!

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