
Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Dress For a Friend

AS&E issue 90

Smock plate is "Wild At Heart"

I feel like it's been ages since I've done regular posts to my blog. So anyway, this fabric is from Hancock Fabrics. We have lots of rose prints right now, which is right up my alley. And of course, most are pink prints, yeah! There are loads of prints I want right now, but I am holding myself down to just getting my favorites. I seem to find bunches of fabrics I just can't live without. I know all you sewing girls have the same affliction. But it's not one you'd want to change. More enabling please!
On the dress, I used sleeves from "Indigo Child", which is more suitable to an 8 yr. old little girl. I used the pattern pieces from Gail Doane's book Cute As a Button. I love being able to interchange most pattern pieces in AS&E. It makes designing the perfect dress some much more fun.
The lady I gave dresses for each of her granddaughters was thrilled and that makes me very happy. She gave them the dresses on Father's Day. She said happy daughters would be her present to her son that day. I told her to let them wear the dresses whenever they wanted. I DON'T want the dresses to decorate the closet. Starting tomorrow, I have a 4 day weekend from work, yeah! So I will be doing lots of sewing. Mostly for me and my daughter, Rachelle. Since it is now summer weather, I just have to have some new work skirts and blouses. I really tired of wearing the same two skirts and blouses. I will post some new pics of me in my new togs :) Here's to a wonderful time of sewing and smocking to everyone. Happy stitching!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Promise

Here's my new ironing board cover, isn't it fun?! I loved this print for over a year. It's available from Hancock Fabrics. I'm lovin' my new again ironing board cover. Yes, I'm pressing some cotton lace for the gown I was starting to work on for the Fair, which is now almost finished. It just needs buttons.
I've most finished another dress and I have to say that you're gonna love it. I made it for a very nice customer who had become a friend over the last year. She had two granddaughters age 8. I was happy to find out their age, since I've had a dress hanging in my closet of goodies for almost a year now. I couldn't just give only one dress. So I've stitched a pink dress and the one in the closet is purple. What princess could ask for more I tell you. Of course both have blingly crystals on them. I just wish I would be there in person to take a pic when gramma gives them their dresses. I just live for moments like those!
On another topic, I hope blogger gets the comment problems taken care soon. I have some blogs I follow but can't post comments on. It's frustrating. Okay, everyone, until next time. Keep smocking!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What's Up Next

Items for the Fair, of course! This is the time of the year I start into my projects for the state fair. This year they have new people in charge of the sewing category, so they've changed the category a little. They only have one thing open to smocking (boo-hiss). Well, I think I'm going to sneak some smocking into other things if it will be allowed. Like a party dress and the christening gown I'm currently working on.
A couple of mishaps on the gown. First, I stabbed my finger while stitching one of the bullions roses and got a couple drops of blood next to the back button band. That send me running to the bathroom and quickly rinsing that area under cold water. Then I grabbed Gramma's Secret Spot Remover (which I use on all stains now) and a few minutes later . . . . the blood was gone. Thank goodness, I would have cried if I couldn't get that out. Next thing to happen was a couple days ago some of the lace on the skirt tore and so I had to do a little repair work on that. I'm not sure how that will affect my chances at the fair, we'll just have to wait and find out.
Yesterday at work, one of the ladies who works in the fair office came in. We chatted for a few minutes. She asked if I had all my things finished, I said no I'm just getting started. She told me some people are not happy with the new ladies in charge and they think everything will be terrible. I said not neccessarily. I think they are just being negative. It will definitely bring a fresh perspective to the sewing category. I do have to say I think only having one smocking choice is a downer. But like I said, I'm going to try to sneak some smocking into some other things I don't submit in smocking.
Other things I'm sewn up in the past couple weeks are"
A new ironing board cover. (I'll post a pic next time, it's a pretty one)
New chair pad for the computer chair I'm sitting on right now. (It's not so pretty, just functional.)
Well, I'm off work today and tomorrow, yeah! I'm going cut out some jammies for my daughter and myself from some super soft cotton/lycra blend fabric I got from Hancock Fabrics for only $2.95. I just love the fabric and the price that I got everything left on the bolt, 5 2/3yds. Lots of pjs for Rachelle and I!
Happy sewing and smocking everyone!